Occasional PAPERS

Any opinions expressed in these Papers are those of the Authors and may not necessarily be shared by other members of the Circle.
Click on title to read paper
1 Some thoughts about China Repairers and Mr Tebo - John Robson
2 The Bagpiper - Betsy Wilkie and Patrick Hagglund
3 An early Meissen beaker decorated in the manner of Höroldt - Patrick Hagglund
4 From Little Acorns, or If the Shoe Fits - John Sandon
5 Josiah Wedgwood's Green Frog service - Gabriel Newfield
6 A dated Meissen tea caddy in Fenton House, Hampstead (National Trust) and the inspiration for its painted decoration - Patrick Hagglund
7 Moravian 'Lovefeast' Cup - Michelle Gibbons
8 Marquis Carlo Ginori and the founding of the Doccia factory 1737 - 1757- Patrick Hagglund